O Kamenu

Ivan Meštrović sa majkom u Otavicama 1931 godine.

Kamen je prirodni materijal  na kojem je čovjek uspostavio svoj svjestan odnos prema okolini. Onaj tko radi s kamenom i u kamenu zove se Klesar. Sam Kamen određuje tko če ga obrađivati i davati na vrijednosti i to zbog svoje tvrdoće i težine savladavanja obrade. Specifičnost kamena određuje konstituciju majstora i njegov stav. Trag u kamenu je ISTINA.

Kuča od kamena
Crikva od kamena
Skula od kamena
Butiga od kamena
Puti od kamena
Riva od kamena
Misto od kamena
Grod od kamena
Bome da "treba!"

A onda grie bolnica, 
po opet crikva
i kamena ploča
od greba. :)

Ivica Jakšić 


"The avant-garde represent the founding moment of a cultural cycle which goes beyond that same avant-garde and continues its existence independent thereof. 
The word avant-garde originates from the language of war: it refers to the movement of advanced parties, of small groups penetrating enemy territory in order to occupy strategic position which in turn enable the attacking forces to take control of the area; more over, it refers to those who perform such action, who go forward to open up the path for those who are to eventually occupy. When the avant-garde  achieves its objective, it is replaced by other forces capable of consolidating the said achievement; it is purring this second phase that the avant-garde dissolves and disappears, having accomplished its mission.      
Likewise, the historical avant-garde movements, after having fought a hard battle against rigid academics approaches incapable of taking account of newly emerging realities, and after having opened up a gaping wound in the world of representative art, subsequently pass the baton on to others, who then consolidate the sains of the new movements and establish their  bases in the modern tradition. The avant-garde as such cannot continue to exist for ever; indeed, the real avant-garde differs from simple fashions and from the passing exaltation of the new in its capacity to start off a true tradition"   
Carlos Marti Aris

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